Swords kingdom.co.uk is another site belonging to the same company. We are indeed one of the leading online wholesale sources of Replica Swords, collectibles and Damascus knives. We’ve served over 30,000 customers worldwide. Our products are imported in Europe, United Kingdom, United States of America and Asia. Our production units are located in China and Pakistan.
The reason of our fame is non-other than customer satisfaction and quality assurance. Therefore, we also offer our customers to sell swordskingdom.co.uk products on eBay, eCrater, Amazon and other online stores on our behalf. We deliver the products on the behalf of clients to their desired destinations.
After becoming a dealer with us will benefit the client as discussed given below:
- Quality Assurance
- Replacement of any defected or damaged goods
- Safe and instant Delivery through fastest Courier Services
Before ensuring the delivery, we check each and every product to avoid any defects or damages. Clients also get a warranty for each product. Due to this, any product found defective or damaged can be replaced easily.
Why Become a Dealer with Us?
As we already told that we are one of the leading companies of collectibles. One will definitely get full customer satisfaction upon dealing with us. We run a secure website with SLL security encryption. Our payment methods are also secure.
Quality First
Products are carefully checked to eliminate the risk of any damage or defect. Not only we claim the “Quality first” motto, but we actually prefer quality over profit. So that the customers could get the best of us.
Fast Delivery & Dropship available
Our delivery takes 4 – 5 days after the order confirmation. While the courier is reaching you, you can keep an eye on your order through tracking number.
One can replace the product if found damaged or defected. There is full flexibility in this regard.
Effective and Diverse Communication
We are always here to help you. If you need any kind of assistance regarding our products, just give us a phone call or write us on our email address.