As of 6th April 2008, several new laws were passed on the import/sell/purchase of swords in UK. The legislations were not imposed on all swords, but some special items which included curved blades (traditional Katana style weapons) over 50 cm. Luckily we don’t have any of such items nor we sell it via this store.

We only deal in replicas/collectibles items that are not battle ready nor are they sharp enough to cut anything. These items are originally reproductions of the famous swords/items used in different video games, movies, anime, animated series and many of them are fantasy collectible items.

Under the UK laws, you should be at least 18 years old in order to place an order on our site. We process each order carefully. You are required to register on our site before placing the order. If we find out that you are not of the liable age to receive the collectible item, we will not process your order any further and refund you the order amount if paid. Your cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated.